Whether you're starting a new job and need an entire work wear and accessory makeover, or you're just looking to replace a few key items of your existing wardrobe, it's essential that you purchase the right pieces. Different jobs have very different requirements when it comes to work wear, and choosing poorly could make your day-to-day job uncomfortable or even unsafe.

Working Outdoors

The right work wear for you will depend on several factors. If you spend most of the working day outdoors, for example, you might need a high-visibility jacket to ensure colleagues and members of the public can easily spot you even in poor visibility. Your work wardrobe may also need to vary throughout the year. Working outdoors in the height of summer requires a very different approach, with plenty of light clothing and sweat-wicking fabrics, from working outdoors in the dead of winter, which will require warm woollens and rain-proof outerwear.

If you're unsure exactly what you need clothing-wise before starting a new job, your company handbook should be able to point you in the right direction. If you haven't been provided with one, then speak to a member of the HR team or your line manager. Many employers will provide you with a basic kit list of all the work wear and equipment that you will need.

Your new employer should also be able to point you towards a reputable uniform supplier, such as UK Commercial Supplies, that will be able to provide the right clothing for a whole range of industries, so if you work in the catering industry, for example, you will be able to easily purchase all the work wear essentials you need, including chefs' aprons and hats, as well as comfortable footwear that is suitable for anyone working on their feet all day.